The pictures are not in order of when they took place, but I'm not so great at this stuff and I couldn't figure out how to change them around. But it's fun stuff we have been doing this summer.
So we made it to Oregon after a very long trip. A shredded trailer tire and a sick little girl made our trip quite a bit longer than we would have hoped for, but we made it safely. Adam's parents were amazing to do the trek with us and made our lives much easier. They stayed for 2 weeks and helped us get settled and organized. We got to take a trip to the beach with them. It was very nice to have them out here for such a great visit, we didn't want them to go-especially Ella-as she was loosing playmates and Gramma and Papa were no longer around to wake up in the mornings. But she has transitioned better than we could have imagined. Hopefully we have the same luck when we welcome a new little person into our family at the end of February! Yes we are having another baby! I have spent the majority of the summer sick, but hopefully in the clear pretty soon. Adam and Ella have had a lot of time to spend as daddy-daughter, at the zoo and the library and just running errands. It's been awesome to have Adam home for the summer. He has already gotten into his classroom and thinks he's going to really like it at Lake Grove. I have slowly been getting back into the office, and excited to be headed down this new road. Ella just seems to blossom with each day. It's great to hear new phrases come out of her mouth. Her newest fun time is bossing Millie around, telling her what she should and should not be doing-apparently we are very commanding to Millie. She also loves to crawl into Millie's kennel with her in the mornings, it's pretty funny. I think Millie likes it though, even though she acts like she doesn't-any attention from Ella is usually welcomed.
So yes we are getting settled, although the weather has been pretty funky this summer up in Oregon, we are glad to be back.